Saturday, October 28, 2006

Oregon school gambling policies

Note: The following policies were located online in a search of policies related to gambling (October 2006). This sampling of policies is not exhaustive, but meant as a guide to help facilitate the development of school gambling policies, given that student/parent handbooks are written in various formats.

Amity School District (Amity) Student/Parent Handbook
Definition: Participation in game of chance for the purpose of exchanging money.
Consequences: “Students shall be liable to discipline, suspension, or expulsion for misconduct including…gambling.”

Cascade Middle School (Bend) Student Handbook
Definition: To wager money or anything of value on the outcome of a game, contest or other event.
Consequences: “(Gambling) may result in detention, loss of privileges and/or suspension on the first offense; serious or repeated offenses may result in recommendation for expulsion.”

Elmira High School (Elmira) Student/Parent Handbook 2006-2007
Definition: (No definition for gambling listed.)
Consequences: Step 1= Detention/Wednesday School; Step 2= Suspension 1-3 School Days; Step 3= Suspension 5-10 School Days

Fir Ridge Campus Alternative High School (Portland) Student Handbook
Definition: Risking something of value in hopes of winning something else of value is prohibited on school property or at school activities.
Descriptor (no specific consequence listed): Gambling is listed as one of the “prohibited actions which are never allowed on campus or at school function.”

Gaston Junior/Senior High School (Gaston) Student Handbook 2004-2005
Definition: Participating in games of chance for the purpose of exchanging money and other things of value
Consequences: First offense=ranges from informal talk to suspension. Repeated offense=ranges from conference to suspension.

Grant Union High School (John Day) Student Handbook 2006-2007
Definition: Participating in games of chance for purpose of exchanging money.
Consequences: Range from informal talk to suspension.

Junction City High School (Junction City) Student Handbook 2005-2006
Consequences: Step 1 = Detention, confiscation of property; Step 2 = Suspension 1-5 days
(No definition for gambling listed.)

Lundy Elementary School (Lowell) Student Handbook 2003-2004
Descriptor: “Gambling will not be allowed in the school buildings or on the school grounds, or during school sponsored activities.”
(No definition or specific consequences for gambling listed.)

Monroe Middle School (Eugene) Student/Parent Handbook 2006-2007
Definition: All forms of gambling are forbidden and will not be permitted. Soliciting or conducting a lottery on school ground is also forbidden.
Discipline: “Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.”

North Marion High School (Aurora) Student Handbook 2003-2004
Definition: participating in games of chance for the purpose of exchanging money or property.
Consequences: Gambling is listed as one of the “serious misconduct” behaviors. (No specific consequence listed.)

Oakridge High School (Oakridge) Student Planner 2005-2006
Consequences: First occurrence=1 day suspension, 10 points; Repeated occurrences=1 day suspension, 20 points.
(No definition for gambling listed.)

Rogue River High School (Rogue River) Student Handbook 2006-2007
Definition: Participating in games of chance for the purpose of exchanging money, property, or services.
Consequences: First offense= conference to suspension. Repeated offense= Suspension to expulsion.

Thurston High School (Springfield) Student Handbook 2006-2007
“Gambling in any form between students is prohibited.”
(No definition for gambling listed.)

1 comment:

bingo halls said...

Some people visit bingo halls at least once a week or a few times a week to play this game so you should try it .