JUNE 17, 2007
by Chris Gray, The News-Review Roseburg, OR
Article snippets:
"Elliot Karpen is a patient in ADAPT's gambling addiction treatment program, funded by the Oregon Lottery.Elliot used to bring home $3,000 to $4,000 a week selling Fords, Jaguars and Aston Martins. Now he and (his wife) Greta live in a $575-a-month Cloverdale duplex and he collects disability."
"Elliot said he's gambled since he was 6 years old, stealing pennies and nickels from his father to toss against the wall with the other kids on the streets of Brooklyn."
[Photo: 'Elliot Karpen talks with ADAPT’s Paul Famer during a counseling session at the ADAPT offices in Roseburg June 7.' JON AUSTRIA / The News-Review]
Read the full article on the News-Review website.
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