Feb. 5, 2007
Contact: Jim Sellers 503-945-5738
Program contact: Jeff Marotta 503-945-9709
Middle school students invited to enter calendar

Oregon middle-school students are invited to enter artwork for a 2008 calendar that will be used to increase problem gambling awareness.
An estimated 75,000 adult Oregonians experience problems related to their gambling, which also impacts children and families.
"This is a chance for students both to learn more about the risks of gambling and to capture the attention of parents and educators who may not have problem gambling on their radar as a health issue to look out for," said Jeff Marotta, problem gambling services manager in the Oregon Department of Human Services. He said teachers are invited to encourage students to participate during Oregon Problem Gambling Awareness Week, March 5-11.
Artwork should be entered on white, letter-size paper with the name of the student artist, grade level, school and teacher's name on the back. Entries should be submitted to DHS's Greta Coe at 500 N.E. Summer St., N.E., E-86, Salem, OR 97301.
Deadline for submissions is March 30.
More detail about the contest, including suggested themes for artwork, is available on the DHS Web site. Gift certificates ranging from $25 to $100 will be awarded to 12 students and two teachers.
DHS manages the Lottery-financed problem-gambling program as part of its services to prevent and help Oregonians overcome the negative effects of addictions.
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As of this post, local Oregon papers covering the story include:
Corvallis Gazette Times: http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2007/02/06/news/community/6loc08_gambling.txt
Newport News Times: http://www.newportnewstimes.com/articles/2007/02/07/community/community17.txt
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