Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
OPGAW Weekly Bulletin [#3]
From: Wendy HAUSOTTER [mailto:Wendy.Hausotter@state.or.us]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 3:51 PM
Subject: OPGAW Weekly Bulletin
Governor's Proclamation
We are still hoping to get the '07 proclamation out in time for OPGAW, but due to a Series of Unfortunate Events, that may not happen. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed and we'll send it as soon as we get it!
Cool Stuff from your OPGAW CD/Binder...and these are only the tip of the iceberg!
- want to share tips on minimizing harm from internet gambling? see section 12 page 4
- want a handout on the phone-based program to help problem gamblers? see section 6 page 44 (GEAR)
- want to know if your area has any social gaming ordinances? see section 8 page 25
- want to spread the word about casino night alternatives? see section 6 page 10 and section 9 page 11
- need a sample letter to introduce youth gambling issues to a school principal? see section 9 page 28
New powerpoint slides:
We put together some powerpoint slides for a presentation Jeff gave recently and I thought they might be useful to some of you, so they are attached.
Wendy Hausotter
Public Health and Prevention Coordinator
Addictions and Mental Health Division (AMH)
Problem Gambling Services
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
OPGAW Weekly Bulletin [#2]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 10:58 AM
Subject: OPGAW Weekly Bulletin
This week we'll be mailing CDs of the OPGAW materials to those of you who did not pick one up at last Friday's PGS meeting in Salem, so watch your mail!
We still have posters from this year (and previous years) and copies of the flyer for the OPGAW 07 art contest so let us know if you need some!
How are local prevention and outreach providers in Oregon planning to observe OPGAW? Here are a few ideas we heard last week...send me your plans and we'll include them in these emails...your idea may inspire others!
Washington County: exhibit at Washington Square Mall of artwork produced by problem gambling clients in Lifeworks' art therapy sessions; offering on-the-spot opportunities to do some art at the exhibit
Lane County: launching bus ad campaign featuring artwork from middle school poster contest
Josephine County and Mid-Columbia region: looking into having a presence at First Friday Art Walk or another existing community event
National Resources:
Attached is a flyer from the National PGAW website on the effects of problem gambling on the family...would be great to share with your treatment colleagues...for more ideas, check out this section of the National PGAW website: http://www.npgaw.org/participants/otherpartners.asp#VOR top of the page features individual stories of recovery; scroll down to NPGAW Participants for a state-by-state list of activities
Wendy Hausotter
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
DHS News Release: Problem Gambling Poster Contest
Feb. 5, 2007
Contact: Jim Sellers 503-945-5738
Program contact: Jeff Marotta 503-945-9709
Middle school students invited to enter calendar

Oregon middle-school students are invited to enter artwork for a 2008 calendar that will be used to increase problem gambling awareness.
An estimated 75,000 adult Oregonians experience problems related to their gambling, which also impacts children and families.
"This is a chance for students both to learn more about the risks of gambling and to capture the attention of parents and educators who may not have problem gambling on their radar as a health issue to look out for," said Jeff Marotta, problem gambling services manager in the Oregon Department of Human Services. He said teachers are invited to encourage students to participate during Oregon Problem Gambling Awareness Week, March 5-11.
Artwork should be entered on white, letter-size paper with the name of the student artist, grade level, school and teacher's name on the back. Entries should be submitted to DHS's Greta Coe at 500 N.E. Summer St., N.E., E-86, Salem, OR 97301.
Deadline for submissions is March 30.
More detail about the contest, including suggested themes for artwork, is available on the DHS Web site. Gift certificates ranging from $25 to $100 will be awarded to 12 students and two teachers.
DHS manages the Lottery-financed problem-gambling program as part of its services to prevent and help Oregonians overcome the negative effects of addictions.
# # #
As of this post, local Oregon papers covering the story include:
Corvallis Gazette Times: http://www.gazettetimes.com/articles/2007/02/06/news/community/6loc08_gambling.txt
Newport News Times: http://www.newportnewstimes.com/articles/2007/02/07/community/community17.txt
Friday, February 02, 2007
Oregon Problem Gambling Awareness Week Bulletin #1
Sent: Fri 2/2/2007 2:40 PM
To: Oregon PGS Mailing List
Subject: Oregon Problem Gambling Awareness Week Bulletin #1
Greetings! This is the first of a series of 5 weekly (hopefully not weakly!) emails I'll send you between now and the first week in March with information, materials and updates on problem gambling awareness week (March 5-11).
Coming Attractions: on Monday you'll receive an electronic version of the updated '07 OPGAW binder contents, followed by a CD in the mail later in the week. After that, you'll receive a full copy of the manual in a new binder. New sections include: suggested OPGAW 07 target activities, internet gambling, recovery, working with schools, and policy (highlighting social gaming) and all the data are updated as well.
In addition to the updated materials, here's a snapshot of our other State-level plans for OPGAW:
- We have requested a Governor's proclamation and will send copies to you when it is signed;
- working with DHS communications, we will release the Oregon Healthy Teens data to the press some time during OPGAW week (those data are included in the OPGAW binder update you'll receive electronically on Monday);
- we will be placing a display and educational materials in the lobby of our building during March 5-11;
- and we will have our clinical conference right before OPGAW week.
Artwork Search: a great activity many regions participate in for OPGAW is the youth artwork search; next year we'll be putting together a calendar featuring selected art (as well as facts, figures and information on problem gambling) so we need lots of middle school-aged kids to participate, and that happens through your efforts (you don't have to work solely through the schools to do this...churches, community centers, youth clubs and organizations are all good ways to connect with middle schoolers). If you would like copies of the flyer you can use to publicize the artwork search, and/or copies of this year's poster, please email Greta.
Another good activity to consider: how about doing the website update I suggested in an email a few weeks ago? If you need another copy of that email, or the web information template I sent out, please let me know...and thanks to those of you who have finished, or are in the process of, upgrading the problem gambling info on your website!
Wendy Hausotter
Public Health and Prevention Coordinator
Addictions and Mental Health Division (AMH)
Problem Gambling Services
500 Summer St NE E86
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 945-9703 phone
(503) 378-8467