Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Gambling clients needed for interview
Thank you.
Marcia Mattoso, MA, MFT,CGACII,NCGC II Marriage and Family Therapist/Gambling Addiction’s Counselor Gambling Addiction’s Outreach Coordinator for Multnomah County
503 – 873-0164
Friday, January 05, 2007
Spring 2007 Problem Gambling Conference
Valley River Inn, Eugene, Oregon ACCBO & GCCBO accreditation 14 CEUs
New and Emerging Game Technology
Roger Horbay, HSC, is the founder and President of Game Planit Interactive Corporation, developers of the safe@play Slot Machine tutorial. He is a recognized expert in the field of Electronic Gaming and Electronic Gaming Machines, and how the technology contributes to problem gambling. Mr. Horbay is also the founder and past President of the Canadian Problem Gambling Certification Board.
Personality Disorders
Dr. Michele Packard is the Executive Director of Sage Training & Consulting. Dr. Packard is a licensed psychologist and certified addictions counselor with over 20 years in the mental health field. She is co-author of a chapter titled Innovations in the Treatment of Dual Disorders in the 2nd edition of Motivational Interviewing, as well as author of a number of articles including Coping with bipolar disorder: Advice for family members; Assessment of the problem drinker and Offender Risk-Modification Training.
Featured Presentations:
Developments in Brain Research and Pharmacology Eric Martin MA, CADCIII and Dr. Darryl Inaba, Pharm.D
Improving Retention and Engagement: Lessons In Process Improvement Janet Bardossi MSW, LCSW
Fine Tuning Your Outreach Efforts Oregon Providers
OR you may choose this skill-building workshop:
Motivational Enhancement Therapy for Problem & Pathological Gamblers: A Curriculum-Based Group Intervention
Wed. 8:15 – 2:45 AND Thurs. 1-3 pm (takes the place of regular conference offerings for those who choose this option)
A great opportunity for those who want to develop or hone their group treatment skills. See insert for more details; participants must attend both days of the program and will be able to attend regular conference sessions only during the limited times when this workshop is not in session.
Schedule At-A-Glance (click picture to enlarge detailed offerings)

Regular conference offerings are in blue (shows as bold in printed version); the skill-building track (MET) for which you can register instead is in purple (shows as italic in printed version); if you select the MET track you should plan to attend all of those sessions and attend the regular conference sessions only when the MET workshop is not scheduled.
Motivational Enhancement Therapy for Problem and Pathological Gamblers: A Curriculum-Based Group Intervention
This curriculum–based motivational enhancement group model has broad application for all treatment providers, counselors, therapists, educators and other human service practitioners.
It allows for the facilitation and implementation of motivational interviewing strategies within five group sessions.
This group process and approach elicits and effects positive change in the lives of people struggling with gambling behavior, affecting their overall health, wellbeing and functioning.
** Participants will receive a free copy of the manual **
Training Objectives:
- Review conceptual models of motivation and motivational Interviewing
- Understand METPPG group structure and process
- Learn METPPG group facilitator role
- Understand the rationale and purpose and METPPG strategies of each session
- Review and experience each exercise as METPPG facilitator and as a group participant
- Learn how to implement the open-group format
Instructor: Ann Fields has a Masters’ in Education with over 25 years in the counseling field. Her specialty is behavior change. She also is a Masters' level Addictions Counselor (substance abuse and gambling). She was among the original practitioners trained by William Miller--the developer of Motivational Interviewing--in the early 1990s. She is registered with MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers) in Washington and Oregon. She has since specialized in motivational interviewing/behavior change promotion in the group setting. She now consults and trains, locally and nationally, with human service practitioners from a variety of practice venues on her motivational interviewing group intervention model: Motivational Enhancement Therapy For Problem & Pathological Gamblers: developed in 1997, written and published in 2006.
Site Information: reserve your room by Feb. 2 to get conf. rate The Valley River Inn: 1000 Valley River Way in Eugene. Phone: 800-543-8266. Conference lodging rate $84 (sgl queen, up to 2 people), $104 (dbl queen, up to 4 people) + tax; ask for “Oregon Problem Gambling Group Rate” when making your reservation. For directions go to: http://www.valleyriverinn.com/
Conference registration: Contact Patricia Alderson 503.945.5760 Patricia.alderson@state.or.us
Conference content/logistics/other: Contact Arlenia Elmore-Jegglie 503.945.9710 arlenia.elmore-jegglie@state.or.us