The survey also functioned to gain insight to what efforts the general public believes would be important to address for Oregon Problem Gambling Services. A similar survey was developed and conducted among youth, and was highly valuable in understanding the gambling habits & attitudes of almost 2,500 Oregon youth [click here for more info on the youth survey].
To date, only a handful of community surveys have been distributed and returned. In a renewal of efforts, I'd like to see if there is any interest, and what questions we should ask the public.
Questions for any and all:

- What do you believe to be the most important questions in this survey of the general public?
- Do you have any other suggestions for questions in the survey?
- If it were you taking the survey, what length of a survey would you complete? (e.g., 5 questions/one page, etc.)
Post using the "comments" option below. You don't need to use your name, but please list if your profession if applicable. Thanks!